Docker and Kubernetes Workshop

Yesterday I attended a very interesting workshop in ShuttleCloud offices in Madrid about Docker and Kubernetes...

I'd say most of the people already knew a little bit about Docker (at least basic knowledge), but it was the first time with Kubernetes for most of us... It was a very good introduction to the technology, and we spent a few hours playing around with pods,services and replicationcontrollers in our own cluster (it is pretty simple to setup a small environment using Vagrant or Google Cloud Engine.

I'd love to attend to more whole-day events like this one (lunch was a plus, but it is not needed whatsoever), since it is a great way to learn/improve our technical skills and helps to build a "community" (I saw some familiar faces from Python meetups in the workshop)

This is a picture of all the participants:

{% img center /img/kubernetes_workshop.jpg 'workshop' %} (taken from Shuttlecloud twitter account)

Thanks to Ivan and Alex for sharing their knowledge, and of course, to jobandtalent for providing the lunch!
