Quick note to self:
Secure Copy (scp) (a one line command very easy to include in bash scripts) can be replaced by a similar Secure File Transfer (sftp) command, but the documentation is not very clear...
For instance, this command to transfer a file to a remote host using SCP:
scp src_file user@remote_host:/remote/path/dst_file
Can be replaced by this one, using SFTP:
sftp user@remote_host:/remote/path/ <<< $'put src_file dst_file'
# sftp root@ <<< $'put /tmp/test test_sftp'
Connected to
Changing to: /tmp/
sftp> put /tmp/test test_sftp
Uploading /tmp/test to /tmp/test_sftp
/tmp/test 100% 0 0.0KB/s 00:00
The idea is taken from a few StackOverflow threads, all the credit to them... I decided to put it together here, so I can find it easily.